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Sunday 7 August 2011

Pierre Cardin Tablet

Great – it seems that French fashion house decided that selling clothes – nay, fashion, is not good enough for their bottom line that they have decided to venture into the world of consumer electronics – the tablet here in particular. Yes sir, don’t you think that these are worlds apart? I mean, you don’t see Gucci or Versace taking such a step – either the management at Pierre Cardin are visionaries, or they have lost the plot.
Still, let us see what they are able to churn out on the electronics front other than belts and dapper shirts. Aptly named Pierre Cardin tablet PC , this is the UK’s first, where it will obviously be easy on the eyes (guess the aesthetics are influenced by their experience in the fashion line) alongside user-friendly technology that rides on the Android operating system from Google – no idea on which version it runs on though, but we’re betting it isn’t Honeycomb.

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